Refund/Cancellation Policy Due to the nature of these services and products, we do not offer refunds, cancellations or exchanges. All sales are final.

Refund Policy Part Two: In the event that a cancellation is honored… Buyer agrees that in the event of no longer needing a service,$50 of $150 or less will be charged to the buyer, $75 of $200 or less will be charged to the buyer, $150 of orders $350 or less will be charged to the buyer, and $175 of orders $450 or less will be charged to the buyer. And the amount will be at discretion of any items/services $500 or above of the fee will be retained for “accidental” purchases.

An accidental purchase is a transaction whereby the purchaser alleges that it was by accident or not intended or they have changed their mind. IE; Time, Space, Materials, or energy on their behalf.  In addition to this policy in the event to the cancellation of an order, you the purchaser are responsible for the processing fees of paypal, stripe, and these are definitely non-refundable.

Privacy Policy

Your information will never be sold, transferred or disclosed to third parities. Your email, phone number, credit card information is secure and never stored or publically displayed.

Accuracy Policy

Quornesha, holds an accuracy of 95%-99.999%, there are no guarnatees made of absolution and I give no permission to express these insights publically to anyone other than SaQred Spirit Shaman. The client whom has paid may use the information given for private use only, and no express or written permission is given to use in court, legal, or private cases.

Credit Card Policy: You agree that the card you are using is YOUR own, or that you have expressed permission to use. We are not liable for lost, stolen or misplaced cards. And purchaser is responsible for the services plus any chargebacks plus processing fees.

Communication Policy: Your phone, email or form of communication entered in the order must be accurate and complete. We do not do further research to make sure that your contact information is accurate. It is pertinent, per the refund policy that you input accurate information when ordering as we will refer to the refund policy if you cannot be reached.

Disclaimer: These services are not a replacement for medical, mental/psychological, Financial, or other professionals. This is not for entertainment purposes but an intent to help you shift your life in specific areas. Many of our spiritual solutions are legally deemed as curio only, and we make no claim of absolution of timeframe or outcome.

Shipping & Handling: All clients will be provided with a tracking number when and where necessary according to what was ordered. Buyer understands that seller is not liable to replace items that arrive damaged, or are stolen, come up missing in transit, or delayed. Buyer understands that the seller will do to the best of their knowledge and abilities to be efficient and even in this sense, you are not made a satisfactory guarantee.  By purchasing, you agree to have your email submitted for updates to third party companies such as usps, ups, fedex or otherwise as paid. However in the event the aforementioned shipping companies honors an insurance, the item can be replaced with payment retained from the shipping company who receieves the package.

Copyright & Intellectual Property: Buyer understands that any literature that is purchased will not be redistributed, reposted, reproduced, republished, without the sellers consent for them to be able to do so. Which has not and shall not be given under any circumstances. This includes books, blogs, course material written for the client, coaching and more.  


Liability: Buyer understands that he or she will not hold liable the seller for any damages whether life/death, psychological, medically, legally or otherwise of any damages that may occur if any as a result of using this website, advice, or services. Buyer is liable and understands the constraints or possibilities of these terms.  

No abandoned cart policy: Please do not place things in your cart and abandon them. We reserve the right to rescind all negative intentions sent against this business and it’s owner. Above the laws of these states, stands the law of karma. We believe that energy is everything. So do respect this. DO NOT PLACE ITEMS IN YOUR CART you do not intend to buy. Please do not sow negativity against this business, what you do comes back against you 100 fold. We give each abandoned cart 3 days to recover and fulfill the purchase. After, this policy of NO abandoned cart is applicable.

No Negativity or discrimination policy: We do not tolerate evil eyes, spells, curses, vows, false prophecies spoken against our business or the owner of said business. It is our policy to deracinate all evil democracies that intend to hurt or harm coming up against us as service providers or owners. We hereby deracinate all evil intentions and overthrow all wickedness and transmute it for the highest good of this business. Drink your own poison. We do not give permission to use our energy in spells against or for us to humble us nor to obliterate the efforts we are making to make difference on behalf of our client(s). We bind all wickedness in whole or part sent to destroy us and may psalms 94, 109 and 83 stand against all arrows directed at us through prayers, fasting, false prophecies, thought, spoken or otherwise. Additionally, until you unname or unidentify us in your wickedness, spellwork or curses, 100 fold curses shall be against the person wishing harm or evil against us.

Buyer agrees that they may be subject to additional signing of any contracts necessary to assure that these policies are upheld.  

NO Threat or Violence Policy: We deracinate any and all threats, present, future or past. Further we DO NOT tolerate threats or acts of violence against us or our employees. No Cyber bullying, through text, calls, spiritually, telapathically will be allowed. You do not have our consent to send evil against us through harassment. You will be held responsible legally and all previous forms of promises made to keep your information private is rescinded.

No Sexual Harrassment policy: Please do not sexually harass us at any time. We do not tolerate sexual harassment in any form and you will be reported to local and legal authorities including but not limited to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Review policy: Once you publish a review, we will not delete or hide your reviews unless done so at our own discretion, especially in events where the review was malicious. Any acts of violence or threat opposed against us will be used to legally or spiritually retaliate back to the sender or one who poses such threats. All threats will be reported locally and to legal authorities who are in charge of cyber bullying including and not limited to the Federal Buruea of Investigations.

Additionally, Please take heed the laws of karma. You will reap what you sow. Be kind, mature and respectful of this website and the services provided. Nothing given, nothing gained.

Thank you all so very much for your business and we look forward to serving you.