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hoodoo practitioner

Marsh Frog Symbolism


Marsh Frog Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Marsh Frog appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you need to be mindful of the people who dictate to you that you should confide in them. That you SHOULD tell them your plans and dreams. The ordeal is to keep your ideas to yourself, unless, you are speaking with your coach of choice. Beware of people who show up asking or demanding that they know what you are up to. You can be rather insightful and often very giving. This frog is a sign that you have envious and jealous people around you. For you, at this time, your back up plan is what you are currently working on. Silence is golden and anyone who tells you that they are a trusted friend, even though you never intended to come to them for advice. For example, they’re offering unsolicited advice. YOU ALONE, KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE TO END UP. You don’t need anyone dictating to you any preconceived shutdowns, slowdowns, or failures. Beware of people who project their own soul mission onto you. You don’t have to give where you do not feel the need to. If someone is pouring into you, of course, it is always a kind gesture to offer something in return, especially if it benefits. But you do not have to feel pressured to give of yourself just because something says charity. The Marsh frog is a sign that you should be mindful of putting out lackluster energy. Always show up your best. Take pride and self-love in your appearance. You are being watched and people are noticing. The Marsh Frog represents Good fortune, Blessings, wealth, and to be forewarned. You will succeed if only, you continue ahead. Stay focused and far from distractions.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Dream Dictionary| Umbrella Symbolic Meaning|


Dream Dictionary| Umbrella Symbolic Meaning|

45-Minute Ancestral/Generational Healing Ceremony
from $388.88

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Umbrella repeatedly appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that many avenues or opportunities are forthcoming. It could also be symbolic that you have many gifts and talents. It is up to you to utilize each of them in your own unique way. Umbrella, is symbolic of protection and being intuitive about the things that affect us. We can choose to be in this world, but not of it. The choice is ultimately ours. Choose to live up to your highest potential always. The Umbrella could be a sign or message that you need to protect and shield your surroundings. As leaving them open to outside influences results in what we feel open to. It is up to each of us, what or who we allow into our sacred circle. Every detailed aspect of our lives, isn’t for the world to see or place their commentary. Build a life where you are not seeking the approval of friends and family. Rather a life that is suitable for you and your household. The Umbrella is a sign that some significant changes are to come. Whether you are closed to them or embrace them is entirely up to you. Release all outdated concerns, matters, oaths and contracts. Choose to live in power, rather than fear. Power over yourself and your own soul, that is. Team up with a Shaman, Life coach, Intuitive, healer, or root worker to get clear and receive insight. An upright umbrella predicts blessings, an upside down one portends sadness or a time of grief. Umbrella in general: protection, foresight, knowledge, inner stability, etc.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you.
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight.

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer, And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you. The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.


Prophetic Number 38


Prophetic Number 38

Alternative Therapies™
from $78.88

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Prophetic Number 38 appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that the more energy or time you spend trying to give to a negative person or thing, the more ‘power’ it seems to get. It’s best to ignore things that do not contribute to your healing process. However, do not ignore things that come in the form of correction. Sometimes, people who need healing the most, don’t admit to it. The Prophetic number 38 is a number of mastery. Do not judge others for furthering themselves whether through education, healing or moving on from something. In the same likeness, don’t allow others or, even yourself to judge you for the way that you heal. Albeit, we must not dwell on one subject far too long. If we continuously repeat a feeling (or scenario), we have not healed, rather we love the attention and pity we get from it. Be strong in your convictions, if you do not want many people in your space, enforce that others respect that. When we find ourselves constantly having to defend our boundaries we may be surrounded by toxic people or situations. It does not mean we surrender and give up. It means we close the door to those toxic people and empower our life partners to honor and respect that. The Number 38 is equivalent to 11 and the number 2. This is your life, your perspective of what balances you, must be honored. Partner up with a Life Coach, mentor, healer, psychic specialist to gain further clarity.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you.
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight.

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer, And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you. The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.


Prophetic Number 35


Prophetic Number 35

Healing Sessions
from $50.88

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Prophetic Number 35 appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to recognize, acknowledge and honor what your safe/sane space is. Other people don;t have to but you should most definitely enforce them to respect it. You are the one responsible for acknowledging your greatness and where you’d like to go in this lifetime. If you are seeking perfect timing it is now. As the prophetic number 35 is a sign of harmonious time. The Prophetic Number 35, is also a reminder of harmony and balance and also freedom of some kind or sort. We may share DNA/family ties or empathic connections. Yet, our spiritual well being is our sole responsibility. The Prophetic Number 35 is symbolic of Stability, wealth, harmony, Higher powers, and change. So, right now, if it is something that you want, you must visualize it. If that road is not clear or it seems that the path is not smooth. It is time to do the work. You must heal from the traumas you are suffering. The Solution may be found within or through an experienced person, such as healer, shaman, mystic, intuitive, or Diviner of higher energy. etc. It all depends on the obstacles you are faced with. The Prophetic number is influenced by the number 8, therefore this number is an assurance of prosperity, stability and freedom. Blessings are assured to come about in the most magnificent of ways. Hold up your head and walk through all adversity. Even if it is only your emotions. Sometimes pain is the key to a breakthrough.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Repeating Prophetic Numbers 3's and 1's


Repeating Prophetic Numbers 3's and 1's

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Numbers 3’s and 1’s repeatedly appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to rely mostly on yourself. Whenever we need or seek others to do everything for us or to help us out of even the smallest situations, we give our power away. It is okay to get help of a healer, a shaman, a life coach, intuitive, but to hold everyone around us accountable or responsible for every little detail of our lives is really selfish. People aren’t meant to fulfill our every need or desire, whether that is partner, mom, dad, son/daughter, sister/brother, or other beloved family or friend. If so, we’d then begin to idolize that particular person, rather than turning to the most high or within for help from time to time. Be independent. It is nothing personal because others say no from time to time in order to honor themselves and their space. You should respect the space of others and others will respect you. You alone are responsible for taking care of your own mind, body and spirit. As it is you who ‘lives’ with yourself 24-7. And if you have to constantly stay busy to get away from spending time alone, there lies a bigger problem. Repeating Prophetic Numbers 3 & 1 can appear in the form of the numbers 31, 311, 313, 3113, 3331 etc. The more the significance the stronger the message.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Prophetic Number 30


Prophetic Number 30

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Prophetic Number 30 appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that now is a the time to stay vigilant. Continue dismissing anyone or anything that does not serve you (bring more good into your life than harm). As some people will tolerate anything because their standards are so low. They believe others will accept it too. Keep your eyes open. Your instincts are right on the money. The prophetic Number 30 says you’re a truth seeker and you don’t give in until it is discovered/revealed. Don’t be afraid to step outside of the dogmas and fears others may have taught you. Ask Spirit for the purpose of all things. Be careful what you wish for. And connect with Divine always. Stick with your convictions and know that you are loved by a team of higher powers and they’re getting ready to show you how much. Don’t forget to do the work! Blessed be! Honor and respect all beings. You are being watched by higher powers. Even if you weren’t, act with integrity.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Prophetic Number 26


Prophetic Number 26

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the 26 appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that some form of recognition, accolade, empowerment, meaningful fame is coming your way. You may be doing things in the vibration of what is for your highest good. Even though you may not be seeking any of those rewards. They are your due diligence. You can’t let others talk you out of your blessings. You cannot allow others to project their fears, beliefs, or life onto you. Their struggles, anxieties are theirs alone. And for you, like so. You’re not here to fulfill another’s purpose and they’re not here to fulfill yours. Be sure that the goals you have set for yourself are actually in alignment with your true self and not what others want for you. The Number 26 is equivalent of the number 8 (2+6=8) and is a message that the financial rewards, blessings and earnings are yours to make and shall be a reflection of your efforts and also that of your mission and capacity. Wherever Divine would like to take you, he and the Divine Goddess will elevate you. If you have karma to reap, he will place you through that and the only way forward is through it.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Sacred Spirit Shaman| Spirit Animal Symbolism| Catfish


Sacred Spirit Shaman| Spirit Animal Symbolism| Catfish

Transformational Healing + Coaching (1-Month)
from $1,888.88

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Catfish appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that some good fortune is on it’s way. It is also a reminder for the need to protect blessings or lifestyle. Just as sure as you are blessed, there are people that don’t wish to see you win. If you feel encouraged, to continue in any certain direction, truly empowered by the higher spirits for your highest good…Go in that direction. The catfish is also a message that if things feel ‘fishy’ or off, to check into the source of every situation and be sure that things are in order. That no information is hidden or kept from you when dealing with others. It’s safe to be protective of what you have built or worked so very hard for. Use discernment. Ask yourself if you’d rather win being your true self, or if you’d rather win being something you’re not. Catfish is symbolism of truth, secrets, fortune, favor, travel, and also foreseeing or foreknowledge.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Sacred Spirit Shaman| Spirit Animal Symbolism| Yellow Margin Moray Eel


Sacred Spirit Shaman| Spirit Animal Symbolism| Yellow Margin Moray Eel

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Yellow Margin Moray Eel appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to call on higher powers for help in the direction as to where your life is going. If that means meditation, or, prayer, or ritual, you should be guided as to the next steps to take. Remember that it is okay to not do it all by yourself. Know that there are healers, shamans, and other beings available to assist. But in order for someone outside to help us, we must first help ourselves. You can look forward to miracles as you take the right steps towards a better outcome and expect changes to come about rapidly. The Yellow Margin Moray Eel is a sign that you will have what you need when you need it and is a reminder for you to not fear abundance, thriving, or being successful. As it is okay for you (us all) to do so. Shake off old outdated beliefs that keep one stagnant.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Repeating Prophetic Numbers 2 + 4


Repeating Prophetic Numbers 2 + 4

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Prophetic Numbers 2 + 4 repeatedly appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that some changes are being requested of you as to how you see yourself reaping the benefits of the universe. If there are blockages, now is a great time to get those cleared. If you’re feeling out of balance, right now is the perfect time to heal. Know and feel supported and you’ll begin to attract the support needed to advance along the way. Be willing to learn the harsh and beautiful lessons of life and accept them, and move on. 2’s + 4’s can also appear in the form of 224, 242, 2244, etc. The stronger the message the more frequently it appears.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. 
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 
