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Chinese Cobra Prophecy And Symbolism


Chinese Cobra Prophecy And Symbolism

Prophetic Life Coaching
from $278.88

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon| Whether the Chinese Cobra appears in dreams, visions, waking life, or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that many harsh lessons are leaving your life at this time. You alone have the power to tell any lesson when you have learned enough. The Chinese cobra is a symbol of power, protection, and medicine. Take note of malicious people who appear one way on the outside or openly with you but are sneaky and disturbing of your peace. Know that the traps they create are for themselves and not you. It doesn't matter how much you've liked this person or what they were able to do for you years ago or as of recently, trust your gut feeling. This could be a client...listen to those inclinations that tell you that this person is poison for you or your well-being. This person could possibly be spreading negative things about you behind your back. Watch your vibration and keep being and feeling protected. It is up to you to think clearly, so, then you must release yourself from people who do not serve your highest good or that of your purpose. Know this, even if they mean we'll this conclusion is inevitable and they must leave your life for you to go forward. You are a light and you illuminate from within. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean that you shouldn't trust anyone at all, but a reminder that someone in your circle is meant to make an exit so that you aren't thinking biasedly based on the good they have done in your life. Be grateful and release. The Chinese Cobra is a sign of a breakthrough and new business energies and levels. Do not fall into the belief traps of others. Be confident enough to be yourself. You alone know what serves you and what can help you at this point. The Chinese cobra is also a reminder of your warrior-like nature. It is also a reminder that your body or spirit is fighting off a threat and that threat has now come to a dead end. So, do not be surprised if things or people start to reveal their plans to you. The Chinese cobra is a representation of heightened psychic ability also. Be grateful for any and all upgrades that may be coming into your life. Do not trust those who may have wronged you in the past that may be resurfacing now. Be aware and connect to your intuitive self. It is your divine right. Just because others say they are able to help you or give that your gut first. Remember, this animal totem, spirit, is a sign of great wealth being attained in your business(es). You are being protected from something very harsh or devastating, whether it be spiritually, mentally, financially or an acclamation of all.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you.
This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight.

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer, And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good and all is well within you, through you and around you. The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.
