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Animals and their spirit

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Prophecy And Symbolism


Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Ferruginous Pygmy Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that The pharoah's in your life are about to die. Divine is going to make it count. This is your Exodus season and if the enemy does not release, he/she will not know peace. More floods are coming. Lightning storms are coming. God/divine is getting ready to open a door that no man. No woman. Can shut. So what they didn't obey.

The divine will have them begging YOU. Asking you to hire them. Tables have turned. False judges are about to fall. More suicides are coming to the wicked. You are so powerful right now. Glowing from the inside out. And God is improving you. More power is coming. So be prepared. Symptoms may include headaches and high energy. Sickness is going away. Your body is being equipped with antibodies from the most high. No illness can prevail against you. You're coming into a time where you will not be intimidated by those who will be around you.

Because you're up next. You will level up just by being in the atmosphere of other greats. Your love and genuine energy for others will be reciprocated this time. The only thing you're closing is contracts. You're about to make the inward demons in others very mad. Because you won't fall. God is lifting you up. The divine wants you to know, whatever you have recently rejected is not your only influence. More offers are coming. More opportunities are coming.

Good is on the way. Know that the plans that God has for you are not of evil. So anything contrary to God's love for you. Is a lie and it is not from the divine. I may have had 99 problems but God's wrath ain't one of them. God divine has assassinated every weakness you have for problems. You're immune and will rise above it all. You're walking into rooms with attraction. You've become a magnet for others. You're no longer the pick me. But others want you to choose them.

You've become the decision maker. God is about to do things for you, that he has never done for nobody else. Nothing and no one against you will succeed, but who and what is for you, prospers. As you rise, there will be those who’ll try to get under your skin. They’re lower than dirt. These are people wo are not even chickens, they’re worms. Crawling around digging up dirt on you. You are a star now, so you must behave like one. Know this, no one, can drive you back to where you started. You’ve come this far, and not in vain. But with a plan and a vision. and this time, you’re taking up real estate. You’re touching down on stable ground.

You deserve to be in the rooms you’re getting ready to walk into. You’re safe, these people will lift you up. Many of these. have been places you’re getting ready to experience. Blessings upon blessings. A dream material item may also enter your life. The wait is over and your destiny aligns. You’re ready for mansion level success. Because you deserve good things, and you already are somebody. Materials don’t make you, it is you that makes the material. The divine/Lord is with you and people can see that. Your key is cardinals. The divine is pinning down your enemies, as they have become, your footstool. There are people who are getting ready to show you off, brag about you, especially your spouse. It’s your time, and it’s your season. For there is a purpose for everything that is under the sun, even you.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. Photo credit


African Openbill Prophecy And Symbolism


African Openbill Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the African Openbill appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that Hospitals will shut down. Stampedes are coming. Jumanji. A rare sighting of birds are coming. It's a sign of a new day. There will be unexplainable, supernatural deaths of people. Some people in alleged power are about to fall. Time of death 6:06. The divine has ordered a stampede. Something is breaking loose. I see magpies, ravens talking. Talking birds. Wealth transfers. Deeds. The plans of the enemy getting cancelled. Swarms of locusts are coming. Everyone standing in your way, divine has ordered death and destruction.

Everything, that breaths wrongly in your direction, dies. It's the season, the rising of the righteous. There will be prisoners freed from prison/jails even though they had years to serve. The wicked will fall. Giants are falling. They have lost their crown. Cows belt out. Rare sightings of animals. Again I say, Jumanji. The battle cry has begun. The enemy was given enough time to join the winning side..that window has now closed. Death takes an enemy. And a war has been waged against them..the 50 yard penalty is death. Graves are marked. There will be an attack on the head of the enemy. HOA's get a penalty from the most high. Moses is rising. I say again...Lucifer is no more. Tragedy strikes the home of every enemy.

7 days of plagues are coming for the wicked. Which the enemy will know loss beyond repair. An airborne illness is coming. Worser than the flu. This virus will cause the wicked to gasp for air and it will betray them. I see them as zombies. God says, they had their time. And they chose their fate. It's sealed and the books are closed. The ram's horn sounds. The true children of the most high. Are marked safe whilst the destroyer comes. Get ready, get ready, get ready..this next attack will be ninja style..God is going to creep up on the enemy silently. I am shown death and the funeral homes are overwhelmed. One after the other. Deaths. God walks the earth now. There will be peace one moment for the week but that peace is about to escape them. More storms are coming..far worser than tornadoes.

Tsunamis are on their way. Buildings will crumble..banks floating. Your Destroyer LIVES. I am shown gas trucks exploding. Oil spills. The beasts are on their way. More bomb threats are coming. These sick individuals will attack schools. Listen to your intuition chosen ones. Attacks against schools are coming. I see more volcanoes. Locusts are swarming. I see more death. The sight of the enemy is ending. Their hearing will fail them. I am shown bats and attacks against hate groups. Nazi like hate groups will die from a silent virus. The deadly revolt is here. There will be explosions at airports. Terminal A. The wicked cries out to God but God's ears are deaf to their prayers. I see a man whistling amongst the chaos. The divine is coming for the head of everyone that touched the anointed ones illegally. The redeemer lives, the destroyer lives. There will be sudden victories for the chosen.  God the divine is turning the attacks back against the enemies. In the midst of it all I see a grand piano and I hear music. Chosen will be unharmed. The foot is on the head of the enemies and God isn't letting up this time. 

There will be great train robberies. False prophets can only read what was already written. But true chosen prophets of the divine. Can see beyond the veil. God is canceling out the cancer. Canceling out the diabetes. Canceling out the generational warfare. The divine is raising up a generation of Esthers, David, Moses and more. The new life that awaits will be free of encumbrance. The divine says, Open your mouth, and out of it the joy of life will flow. This time, you will not be stopped. You will continue to speak for the divine. The divine is giving you the influence, confidence and the platform.

7 Miracles will take place in your life in various degrees/ways. Pay attention to your energy and continue to ground. Keep shining your light. THIS is your portion, as well as: Wealth is your portion, true partnership is your portion, stability is your portion, beauty is your portion, joy and happiness and all of the good things the divine has for you. Is your portion. What the enemy desires for you. and against you, that’s not your portion. Defeat or illness, that is NOT your portion. Confusion and lack, that is not your portion. You’re being blessed.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat it’s fruit. Proverbs 18:21

Good news, is coming to you. A difficult life has surely come to an end. New life, defeats death, poverty, joy and abundance. You change your habits and new life begins. Your net breaking season, is here. You’re getting ready to throw out your net (ideas/intentions) and a huge manifestation will come in. For the chosen, will be like a bridge over troubled waters. In the torrent to come, God’s true prophets will never go down. True lightworkers, light bearers, angels of light, are on the rise. The divine says, as you open your mouth and release the word, it shall be so. The African Openbill. is also a sign and symbolism that the courts are open to change a law or pass a bill in your favor.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image credit


Black-Banded Owl Prophecy And Symbolism


Black-Banded Owl Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Black-Banded Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that 3 storms are coming at once. One by fire, one by air and one by water. And then it will be followed by a great earthquake. The magnitude of these will be devastating. The chosen will not be unhinged from their stability. But God/Divine is shaking up the wicked. In fact the divine is shaking up locations you've moved away from. There will be confusion and loss of power for the wicked. A huge hurricane is still coming. Multiple ones.

Tornadoes are on their way also, these will be the last tornadoes for a while. Because what's to come after will be far worst. And a plethora of wildfires and explosions are about to take place. God is still saying, more fires.  Soon, the tornadoes will concede and they will be missed by the wicked because what's to come is far deadlier and it will take the lives of many wicked people. There will be days of bodies stacked that they don't know where to put them. The divine says, there will be attacks to multiply in political locations/architectural features. I see buildings being attacked. The divine says, fear not. The wicked who intends evil for you will not see the attacks to come by air.

For the chosen, Divine says, look up to the hills from which cometh your help. I see wicked ones being thrown from their mountaintops and a switch of power has come. I am seeing big cities in chaos by natural disasters unprecedented. To the chosen ones, we've been through the fire but this time, you're coming out as pure Gold. It's their (the wicked) turn. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. I see ashes by the tons. I am also shown militants. In disarray for what’s to come. Their death spells are coming up against them, and since they want to attack you and your offspring, they will have accidents and end up with vehicular homicide charges. No victory for the wicked.

The Black Banded Owl, is a rise of the ancestors. I see wolves walking. Animals roaming from zoos. There are blm protests for someone that is not your own family or household. An uprising will occur. This looks like an older lady. The elderly. There wll be several attacks against the elderly. This person will be badly bruised and unfortunately a couple will meet death untimely. Suddenly after this there will be an attack by air against militants. The Black-Banded Owl, is symbolic that the enemy has not gotten away with what they’ve done. There will be more suicides to come by the guilty conscious ones. The Black Banded Owl, is a revocation of politcal figures by the most high. These people have done things in the dark and now, it is coming to the light.

The Black Banded Owl, is a sign that you will receive unprecedented protection in the natural and supernatural. There will be consequences for those that come up against you. All things are working together for your good. The Black Banded Owl, is a sign that you will reach a level of wealth and luxury that you have never known before. The seas will be your oyster. Your true value will be honored. The Black Banded Owl is symbolic of checks, multiple checks coming to you. The Black Banded Owl, is a prophecy and promise that you nor your household/family will ever go without money or be hungry. You’ll never be without land, or a roof over your head. Your name is known amongst secret societies and fraternities and they're coming forth soon. You will be visited by seraphim and cherubim’s. You will be ‘A-listed’.

The Black Banded Owl, is a sign that it is your season to rise, as you watch your enemies fall.

At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall -Optimus Prime

The Black-Banded Owl is a sign and prophecy that good things are coming, I see you like a new palm tree being unpacked and moments later, it’s tall and stable. You will be whitelisted, and something you’re about to do will be known of, decades later. The results are astonishing, astounding and remarkable. Delays are over and it’s forward movement from here. Meanwhile, God is shutting down your enemies and everything attached to them.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 
Photo credit


Common Tree Snake Prophecy And Symbolism


Common Tree Snake Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Common Tree Snake appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that The divine is with you and filling you with pure Gold where others have abandoned you. Every wound is being filled with gold. Every crevice filled with Gold. You've become a better version of yourself. Your enemies think they are unknown but God the divine is revealing and exposing them through dreams and waking life synchronicities. I see the enemy bowed down to the ground. Their spines are bent in the direction they wanted you to go. Wheresoever the enemy wants you to go they go. Their bones will begin to obey the curses. Not against you but against them. They wanted your life to fall apart, their bones will trade places with your name. They wanted you to be blindsided by the attack, there will not be a diagnosis for the attacks that are against them. They wanted you to slow God the divine is slowing down their speech.

They wanted to shake up your stability, so God the divine will cause their nervous system to shake and be destabilized. They wanted you to be a nobody and invisible, every sort of help they cry out for will not locate them. Since they love cursing. It has come upon them. You've forgiven but God remembers. And it's time to pay the toll. It costs to attack you. There is No one more powerful than God to finish you. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. They wished demonic warfare on you, and those same demons are collecting their payment early from the enemy. And since their lukewarm soul is only a snack to the demon, he wants more than what they bargained for. Times up and it's a season of dragging them to hell. Goodbye Lucy. Reversing mirror. 

The common tree snake is symbolic that God the divine is restoring your sensitivity from when you were a child. You may develop the ability to move objects with your mind. Or find that you levitate just a bit off the floor. Your inner child just healed on a massive level. And you've grown up from what you once were. 

There will be people God the divine grants you authority over. And you may even work medically with doctors and scientists. Your sight is needed seer/prophet. A time is coming where your collaborative efforts will be respected. What you teach will become the normal curriculum in colleges. You will be known as a powerful philanthropist. 

Your word will seem common to you but will regenerate cells in your and your client's bodies. Healing is upon you. The gifts that the most high has granted to you will influence other people. And from a handshake or hug you'll impart cures. You'll make medicine and concoctions for people. The divine is giving you authority over canines. In your presence they obey. You are becoming an animal whisperer. 

Birds want to rest upon your shoulders. Both of prey and of beauty. You will not fear. There will be a compliance when others are in your presence. People will honor you. I see people bowing to the God in you. The anointing is flowing. And you have wisdom to combat poisons. Nations will hear your voice and people will want to know who are you. And where did you come from. 

You will supersede some of the most "powerful* celebrities. There are high spirits rooting for you. And demons are watching you. They cannot harm you and so they warn others about you, that you're coming. You are getting ready to present your authority over the elements. One of your most powerful presentations will be what you can do with fire. No heat or wind can tame you. Nature will make a loud noise. And you will Garner respect from all animals. You may even hear birds singing more, sew gorillas doing sign language towards you. You will attract rich friends. And through this they will be generous with you and the glow that's on you makes them want to honor and shower you with beautiful things. 

The power of your tongue, prophecies will flow from it. Keep shining your light. You are about to do remarkable things. You and everyone attached to you can stand before anyone. It is has been spoken by the most high. Remember that no one can manipulate, coerce or shame you for being powerful. Tell them to go fetch someone that’s power less. Continue shining, because at the end of the day, no one is telling the whale it’s too big, nor the water that it’s doing too much, nor the fire to simmer down. No one, can control the spirit.

The common tree snake is a prophecy and is symbolic that no evil can reach you now. You truly embody unstoppable. People will follow you. And where you bet they will bet also. I see you unleashing wealth not only for yourself but you double the wealth of those who are rich whom befriend you. With this, comes manifold blessings. The land you've always wanted and the accessories will come surely gods word will perform. God is raising you up and so nothing/no one can take you down or out. 

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Photo credit


Oriental Bay Owl Prophecy And Symbolism


Oriental Bay Owl Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Oriental Bay Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that it’s time to release a mother figure. This death can be transformative or natural. If it’s a literal death, this mother doesn’t have any serious illnesses that are known. And it isn’t you, as a mother, its your mother, or your mothers’ mother. It’s time to end the cycles. Cut the cords, and call back your power from your maternal lineage. It may also be wise to utlize the power of shamanism and/or soul retrieval. It’s time for trauma to die.

Your lineage is healing. It is also a prophecy that you will come face to face with death. Death willl compliment you. This will happen in your waking life. You may encounter a seemingly homeless person, and they will speak words of empowerment and will tell you to keep going. Show compassion to this person. Show love, and give what you can. Your faith and kindness can be small or great, but you will be rewarded even if that’s not your intent. Death will speak to you of your beauty, and the light and power that is upon your life and will let you know of when it’s coming for you, and along the way, death will send you warnings. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

But make the most of this life you’ve been given, because one day, it will be your last waking hour. This angel of death will tell you to not waste time on negative people. They will appear disabled with a scar near or above their eye. You are about to make history within your family Lineage. This is why you are alone and separated from everyone that doesn’t want to see you win. Family isn’t thicker than blood. Your chosen family is coming to you. A New order is in the universe.

Owls, will approach you and be around you for a span of seconds to 5 minutes and fly away. No harm, no attack, just awareness. God’s word will perform. You are able to command infirmities. To command cancer out. To Humble a KKK member and call them out of their Klan. Several Klansman will burn their robes and turn to a more righteous path. Some will even kneel and kiss your hand, begging for forgiveness for what their ancestors have done. They will plead with you three times. What will happen is up to you. The Oriental Bay Owl is a reminder that you have ancient dynasty power on your side. Warriors of different cultures support you. and any opposing forces will be denied.

You’re getting ready for international travels and connections. You’re getting ready to minister to millions of people around the world. Heaven has ordered good things and greater shall you do. You will be able to command the darkness out of people, places and things. Your gifts of exorcism are coming to the fore. Some of the rarest bird sightings will come to you. The Oriental Bay Owl is a symbol of luck, fortune, favor, success, thriving, and being wealthy. What was once foreign to you, will be easy. Acknowledgement of the work you are doing is coming to you.

The Oriental Bay owl, also Prophecies, that your season of solitude, will be coming to an end soon, as the right people enter. Even though, these people are entering, you alone will know where they are to placed and you will do so happily with boundaries in place for all involved. You are not owned by anyone or anything and you’re free to let whomever in or out of your life at anytime. Just take caution in releasng those who are meant as blessings, as comapnionship is highlighted and it is time for you to be loved, like you’ve always been meant. The Oriental Bay owl, is also symbolic of the releasement/exorcism.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.


If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Brazillian Burrowing Owl Prophecy And Symbolism


Brazillian Burrowing Owl Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Brazilian Burrowing Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that Satan is losing his power. He's not even the biggest threat anymore. Death angels are on the loose. A co-parent contends with death, and loses. Unfortunately this person has not been active. They will stand before judgement 3 times. Slipping in and out of comatose state. Each time they will not remember what went on, on the other side. As they slip in and out of comatose, their hearts will be weighed. They will try to reason with the reaper and the reaper will decline.

This person has played with life and made fun of the value of what it means to be mature and peaceful. Unfortunately, the third time they awaken will be their last. This person already struggles to breathe. They will call for you and you won't deliberately ignore but because of the stain they've left on you, harming you and others like you. Death quickly collects. Yes, you may mourn their passing, slightly. But this is indeed a part of your past dying with them. 

There will be a decade period of supernatural occurrences. The switch has occurred. And even though it seems like a despair, this is a blessing in disguise. The chosen are being called to lead and rise up with their power and aid those who will need it. Those who value their gifts by pouring into the chosen to have access to such healing. The Brazilian Burrowing Owl, is symbolic of reapers teaming up with your angels to show you ways around the traps of the enemies. 

Someone is trying to reason with death. Even though they wanted this for you. They possibly wanted you to pass and they wanted to collect on your death. But the Lord is your defense. The wicked ones are falling. Beware, because the church loves to put satan to blame for everything. What comes next will reveal, that the very demons in people you call a friend are about to be exposed. Satan/Lucifer is nothing more than a fallen angel that defied the will of God. Evil may be his intentions, however he's not always responsible for what others are doing. Demons existed long before the fallen one. And it will be your own family members possessed with such beings.  You  know this to be true because it was your own mother, brother, sister, or father even (or of your kids) that said they wished they never had you or had unalive(d) you at birth. These are demons speaking but the vessel (your “loved one”) let them in. 

There will be psychiatric evaluations of your enemies, family and friends and they will be locked away in a facility for years to come. They'll become a threat not only to you but to others. 

The world isn't coming to an end, but there will be a series of events where it will feel like it. Prepare for the times ahead. For the chosen, these are brighter days, for the fallen ones, death is the answer. Reapers are on the ground. And you will sense you're in the presence of one when in the hour of fear. 

No mass shooting will be your portion. Report all suspicious things. You're rising up from demons that may have had the agenda to cause premature death in your life or the lives of your kids (your own, or nieces, nephew, or other loved ones). And now, the same demons they made deals with, will come for them. Nullify all contracts of suicide, rape, prostitution etc through soul retrieval, exorcism and prayer. It's been high time, to use your sword. 

Your soul is illuminated with pure protection. Even the evil ones, recognize that you are a Knight/Queen of God/divine. The wicked hands must loose you, or curses they've never known will come upon them. Until they release you and all that is connected to you. The reapers will multiply into their lives. 

You're needed as a soldier! Keep moving forward, as you live in paradise, the world needs your healing. There's purpose in the paradise that is coming to you and all connected to you. It's to position you for your calling to heal. The world isn't ending...the generations and their curses are dying. 

There will not be a natural war as you may think, this war coming will be supernatural. The battlefield, will be the mind, of the wicked. Stay in prayer. Stay diligent. 

The burrowing owl is symbolic of you achieving your biggest dreams. And even those who intended you for evil will be your footstool. Rise up! It's your turn. No more will you do for others without recognition, reward or compensation. 

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you Ph.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Photo credit


Eastern Screech Owl Prophecy And Symbolism


Eastern Screech Owl Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Screech Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that a Plethora of storms are coming. These storms will take direction and skip the chosen ones. Tornadoes massive. Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. (Ye are the salt of the earth.) The Screech Owl is a message to prepare for God/Divine supernatural occurrences to take place. These storms will be both natural and supernatural. These storms will be huge. It is time to salt your path, your property, your surroundings. The Anointed/chosen ones will know exactly where to place the salt. Like the Israelites, placed blood on the doorposts, you will know what to do when these storms are near. There will be lightning storms and darkness in the day time. However, no harm will come to you nor your household.

This will all occur when there’s a Switch of power. Lower cost of living. A balance to the real estate market. Laws changing. Army men like martial law. But it's not enforced. They're there to protect and guard. Once these storms do what's necessary they will leave. 12 tornadoes at once. Trees uprooted. The Eastern Screech Owl is symbolic of some turbulence about to take place. Loud sounds from nature, massive, historic storms are on their way. There will be People still in their homes, and some areas are destroyed. These storms will touch down in some of the biggest cities. They will be separate but then the energy will compile together into one, in at least one of the major cities. I see magnitude of T8-T11

Your home will be your shelter. There won't be much power outage. These storms will be sporadic. And toxic family will look to you for shelter. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't let these people stay one moment in your home. The family members who will seek shelter in your home are dealing with manic, schizophrenic, psychotic tendencies and it is important that you not shelter them. Let them seek help where they can be assisted.

Salt the four corners of your home/land. One moment a tornado is down the street and it will jump three blocks over and tare up the town and the storm will not come near you or your household.  I see buildings split in half, and still standing. Homes still standing whilst buildings around them are torn apart.  After the storm there will be rainbows, full circle rainbows all about. Rings in the skies. Pillars of light appearing in clouds. Flowers blooming. The earth is shifting. This isn’t to scare anyone, perishables, and stocking up on supplies will not be necessary, as a I see resources still available. But you’re welcome to do so if you feel led. The Chosen will see dreams and visions of how to lay the salt upon their properties. These storms will seem apocalyptic. And after a 5 day period, there will be rest. These storms will hear the voice of God (touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm) and they will reroute)

The Eastern Screech owl prophecies of things finally flowing in your direction. It is the ultimate destiny swap from the universe. The tables are turning, and those who’ve used your energy to get ahead will begin to pray for forgiveness and praying for your success instead. They will do so hoping for something in return and will receive nothing. The 144,000 are tribes of people, not simply individuals. So, if you are being called to lead, you will bring many people along with you. You may even expand a ministry, or mentorship/coaching business/practice. Supernatural events are about to occur. The warnings are over, a time of action is upon us.

The Screech owl is prophetic of God/Divine making a noise about you. Your voice leading many people. These are prophetic times. And the chosen ones will speak. It is symbolic that God/Divine listens. These storms will reduce the arrogant and proud. (How long shall the wicked triumph, How long shall they utter and speak harsh things) Ps. 94. Watch Divine humble those who have harmed/blocked you over the past years. Nature will obey. Something Historic is about to take place. This will separate those claiming to be Chosen and those who truly are. (Many are called but few are chosen) Lord, lord, have I not prophesied in thy name and cast out many devils? Depart from me ye that work iniquity).

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 


Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


White Necked Raven Prophecy And Symbolism


White Necked Raven Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the White Necked Raven appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that Withhold your left hand. Withhold working against them even though they're annoying. Their jealousy is beginning to make them suffer. Their envy towards you is being exposed. This is most likely a close relative.

You've lifted them even when you had nothing. You're surrounded by people who were never for you to begin with. Their conflict against you will cease because your angels and guides don't play about you. There will be repercussions and consequences if they raise anything against you. Sometimes you can do everything to prove your innocence and they still feel the same after you've given your presentation. Let them believe what they’d like to believe.

Don't try to clear your name. Don't try to improve where they claim you're lacking. Especially when you've done everything, show that you are doing what you're supposed to. This is most likely not in relation to a spouse. But extended family outside of your marriage or sexual relationships. Always try to work things through with your spouse or significant other. You're one. But for the people outside of that relationship. And if you're single then their envy is towards where you are headed.  You cannot at this time, allow people to get in the way of your destiny. You have been working so hard to get here. Leave the crab in the barrel mindset  based people behind.

They're limited to one level only, because they can't see themselves beyond that. Release the people that drain you. It's time your love and energy be focused on yourself. It's time to gravitate towards soul family and reciprocity. Don't try to reason with any of them. Ask the divine to remove all power of the enemy. This person in question will serve prison/jail time. And will do so for some months because their behavior is childish and petty. Don't do anything to them, because they're doing 'return to sender spells and they are going to find out that it's their own evil that is coming back to them'. It doesn't matter who these people are, sister, brother, father, cousin, aunty, cousin. It doesn't matter. The universe has your back and God/divine stands against all evil being done to you. This isn't the first time they were up to no good. Just stay in prayer against the wickedness within your loved ones.

They see where you are headed and are trying to stop you. But divine says no way. This time you're going to make it. And he will remove them, suddenly. You're in your exodus season. They may have attacked you in the last season, but this time justice is heavy handed. They have to go through a storm to grow. Let them. They have to walk through hell 10 times worst than you were put through and they may not make it back. I know that it's very hard not to stand in your power and work your mojo against these people, but spirit says, withhold your hand. It isn't because you don't have the power but it's because they will be caught in their own snares.

They're accusing you of being evil but they're beneath you now. And at a time you tried to put them on your level but no more. You're moving on and forward. Their swords will enter into their own heart. Ward yourself and protect your energy. They're already the weapon formed against themselves. The person in question has a lot of bad karma stacked against them. And your power intimidates them to make them feel like you're doing it. But you deserve to be defended and for lies not to prosper against you. Divine/God has ordered the universe to aid you. So, don't go fighting battles that are not yours to fight. Stay in prayer and let them fight against God. You've done your due diligence. Your enemies cannot conjure death against you, because the angel of death is on your side. The devil, won't trample with you because he knows better. You are justice. They can't call upon heaven to lie about you because the angels that rule the heavenly courts. are on your side. You're on the side of justice this time. So, withhold your left hand, their lethality comes from their own bad karma. Years of doing people wrong. Playing with folks' feelings. Your heart is too pure to hang out with them anymore.

They were smiling in your face this whole time and stabbing you in the back. They didn't know they were cutting you open to prepare you for wings that cannot be tamed. You're an archangel on earth. They can see your paradise forthcoming and it's irritating their demons. Everyone has to pay the toll for their sins and it's not your burden to bare for those who have not done the work. Use exorcism instead of countering an attack. Because that is what you're up against. Demons, within the very people you've loved. The more they try to attack you, the more fatal their karma. You're protected and loved more than they know. And their ancestors, don't mess with them like that. Even if you share the same. 

The Prophecy and symbolism of the White Necked Raven: You’re powerful, seals are breaking in heaven, it is associated with the number 7, you’re coming to prominence and power when you see this totem in your waking life, dreams and visions. It is symbolic of giving grace and practicing humility, surrendering the battle to the divine. It is a promise, that you have the free will to not have to deal with the darkness of others. So, let it go, inch by inch. You’ll look back at this and laugh one day. These people were never meant to soar with you anyway. There’s nothing wrong with pigeons but to have the thinking of one is low, and that’s what they are. Pigeon thinkers.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.


If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Photo credit in article


Prophecy And Symbolism of Eastern Grass Owl


Prophecy And Symbolism of Eastern Grass Owl

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Eastern Grass Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you’re safe, protected and guarded by divine forces that help battle lower frequencies on your behalf. A traitor will be exposed and the authorities of the spirit will see the truth. You are more powerful than you were before. Your confidence is on another level, as well as your love. Your thoughts are highly regarded and you confuse your enemies. The prosperity of the wicked will come to you. Divine will alchemize all that opposes you and put blessings into your hand instead of what the enemy desires.

You are a force to be reckoned with and you walk so gracefully that the only thing/being that can humble you is God/Divine. You can rest assured that the next chapter of your life is that of being unbothered, unhindered and unstoppable. Not only do your ancestors trust and love you. but other people’s ancestors love you as well. You honor people that you have never met before. Your heart is golden.

To Go against you is to go against God/Divine. You are about to, if you have not already are about to be gifted with sight to commune with forces beyond the control of the ordinary and you will have authority over it all. You will have a grace and favor over your life. Dead goals and dreams will be resurrected. New passions will arise. It’s time you live in a paradise of your own. Your instincts will begin to be right on the money. Pinpoint even. A shift has occurred that no one can undo. NO power in heaven/hell can nullify.

The Eastern Grass Owl is symbolic of conquering your shadows and healing aspects of yourself that are negative. You are working on your flaws, and internalized conflicts. It is also symbolic of wisdom, intuition, power and influence. To which growth is highlighted in every area.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. What was once a threat will subside. Pay attention to an increase in your finances or salary. You are watched over by higher powers. You are loved in many realms and some of these very realms fear to try you in a malevolent way.

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 


Resplendent Quetzal Prophecy And Symbolism


Resplendent Quetzal Prophecy And Symbolism

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Respelendent Quetzal Bird appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that some rejections are turning around into approvals. This is setting off a chain of events, where you were once denied you’re approved. Where you were once tolerated you’re now celebrated.. Debts are come due, energetically speaking. The plagues are on their way. This isn’t inclusive to all but against one’s enemies. What was once disrupted in your life is now at peace. A prophecy of tranquility is promised. The future bodes well for you and your offspring. Even if that offspring are amongst the animal kingdom.

You can rest assured that YOU are the key. You are the solution, you are the answer to something. A stroke of luck is coming to you. And this isn’t related to some gamble but a business opportunity or opportunities. This is about connecting to the right people at the right time. Someone highly elite is inspired by you. You have a light that isn’t like others. You will be able to quiet the tongues of your enemies with just a glance.

You will speak with boldness and confidence. What you ask for will be given to you, People will become very agreeable with your tone and words.

Your prayers are fervent and your heart is pure. Your hands are clean, this is why divine is close to you. To people who are not on your path, you seem like you’re better than they are. You yourself don’t think of yourself this way but they think you do. It is not your responsibility to get others to see that your intentions are good. Look up to where your help cometh from. Keep your head high where the eagles fly. You will be protected from illnesses and you will be able to extract sickness and disease not only from your own body but that of others. Your hands, your energy, your words are remarkable. Pay attention to your dreams, because class is in session. You are awake at times but awake also in the spirit. Keep moving ahead.

The Resplendent Quetzal is a sign and a prophecy of royalty, an upgrade to luxury, living the good life. Having things go in your desired direction. It is also symbolic of prosperous times ahead. Miracles will happen to you, those around you and those that support you. You may find yourself unwell one minute and healed the next. Things will happen rapidly. Solutions flowing out of the blue. Good things are coming, and a war in your life is now over. What God/Divine has for you no one can take/close/end.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 


Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image credit


Prophecy And Symbolism of The Chimpanzee


Prophecy And Symbolism of The Chimpanzee

The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Chimpanzee appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you’re entering into a season where you are recognizing your influence on your life and that of others. You are either expanding a ministry or beginning one. Your intuition/instinct/discernment is very strong at this moment in time. The Chimpanzee is a reminder that people who have left your life will start to feel lost and confused. It’s not who left but how they left. You may be a natural in something whereas others had to train. However, it is important to think of collaboration or leadership, whichever position divine puts you in will bring blessings into your life rather than hardship. You are watched over and looked after. You can rest assured that no harm will come to you. Your ancestors, with God being an ancient one, will not abandon you, and have not. You are not alone. You are walking into a season where everything you need will come to you. You have strong maternal ancestry and whatever is against you, is also against them. You will soon, if not already, feel invincible to your enemies. You will keep quiet whilst they make their noise. And on the other Hand God/Divine will make his noise against them. Avenging you on your behalf, so that you don’t have to. And you’ll get to watch.

You may find that a lot of what is going on lately is annoying but you can’t help but laugh. It is because you know that brighter outcomes are on the Horizon. Your Divine source, ancestry, and orishas will help you see things through to the finish line. Pay attention to clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, claicognizant messages. You will know things without knowing how or why you know them.

Your silence will be your weapon in this season. Divine will go before you and lift you up before the presence of your enemies. the Saints are praying you through this season. Something you’re doing or saying will go viral. Whilst you are silence to your enemies you are ministering through the work you do.

Someone was expecting you to lose your peace, but instead you forgave them for your own wellbeing. You chose your own inner sanity, over chasing them. They’re starting to realize that you were the prize. You were the value in their life, and now that you’re gone, and they have lost all access they’re praying for your ‘oil’ to come forth out of other people. Sadly, no one else can have what is rightfully yours. What/whom walked away have no part in the shaping of your destiny. The Chimpanzee is prophetic and symbolic of family, ancestry, commitment and loyalty. It is also confirmation that you or someone you’re committed to or will commit to will have strong will. You’ve broken chains you never thought were possible before.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image credit:
