The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Superb Starling appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that A collapse is coming. An earthquake so huge right here in the US. It's going to be devastating. 3 major cities crumbling at once. 

The most high says keep going. And as you do, you're guaranteed a seat in paradise. They need you. And they cannot find your capacity in anyone else. There's coming a time where those in authority will see the truth and defend you and those that are chosen. You will be protected wheresoever you set your foot towards. No evil will befall you. A time is coming where people will fall at your feet because of the God that is in you and on you and they will seek healing. You will deliver them from all their troubles and the Lord will keep you and your household in perfect peace. It will come a time where people will try to lie and those in authority will see the truth always. You will never stand under judgement.

For judgement shall be far from you. For a time is coming, that when people threaten you there will be legal authorities to pull up before they arrive and will defend you. You are not alone. Ogun is with you. Archangel Michael is with you and guarding you. Your days of trouble are over. You will deliver people from the hands of trouble, cults and oppression. You will save many people. Your heart is on the side of righteousness. You will have enemies but it is those very enemies that will bow down at your command and worship the God in you. They're calling you a demigod. This is your earthly paradise and when you die, a heavenly paradise is promised to you. Get ready, to share miracles to millions. In the midst of this, your enemy is your footstool. We are no longer disabling our gifts to match someone's limitations and their desire for us to be less. To make them feel comfortable. Chairs are comfortable. The gift is on fire not lukewarm. 

Gatekeepers lose their power. What God has for you no one can touch not subtract. God is silencing the enemy. That 2000 years are up. I see the enemy split in half. Destroyed in two pieces. They can run but they cannot hide. God is relentless concerning you and you will lack nothing. No rug can be taken from your feet. Because what the divine has for you, is yours by divine decree and it's bound for you. God is overthrowing all wicked/evil doers. Times up. They can keep their monopoly money, because it shrinks in their hands. Every good thing they pray for spoils before it reaches them. Every evil eye they send forms irreparable damage in their physical eyes. The enemy is about to lose eyeballs. 

The enemy wants you to only have a little bit wants you to come to their expected end. But here's the twist, that path is for them. Their life will suddenly end in tragedy and shame. The weapons they form, it ain't so fun when it prospers against them instead. Boi, yoi, yoiiiing. Someone call the Methodist hospital, they've got a new patient, incoming. The divine is taking you to greater whilst the enemy is shrinking to lesser. Enjoy that lunchable my boy. 

There are people literally asking God to humble you, they're so desperate that they work with demons to have them humble you. It is not up to anyone to make you humble. So, divine says turn down for what?  They are going to run into a lot of annoying people everywhere they turn. This is not the season for you to run anymore. It never was. Face all people with confidence. No more hiding or dimming. The sun is shining and you're glowing and flowing in your annointing. 

Trust your instincts at this time. Stay in fervent prayer. You are aging backwards. All of those years of tests and trials are lifting away from you. Your smile is brighter.  

The divine says, there's something on your heart. Something you need to speak up and out about. You feel intimidated but you will not be rejected. Make your offer before the window expires. If you're the gifted one, offers are coming in, if you're in the position to gift, you're the one this message is for. Your heart has been hurt before but the divine is saying to you, those times are over. This time, you'll be healed. This relationship will bring healing. Let go of the abuse, this is not that. 

The is symbolic that this person isn't replaceable. Their energy cannot be easily found in someone else. So don't fumble their trust. You'll have a hole in your soul if you do.  You yourself have a beautiful spirit and you want to know what makes your counterpart smile, what makes them sad. Because you aim to please. It's a beautiful connection. Warning, DO NOT FUMBLE. If you do, that's on you. 

Even if this is a collaboration of a spiritual kind. You cannot find another person that carries this energy. A knockoff, yes, but the original. No. This person understands your value and can see the pain you've endured. Blessed is this relationship, and blessed is the collaboration. Go for it. Be brave. This person is very good at communicating the truth. There are many blessings that God/Divine will bestow upon you for said connection. The favor of God will come pouring out on every side. However, if YOU are the one dishonest, and have secret agendas, then this is the magnitude of the blessings coming the way of the person in question and there’s nothing you can say or do to stop it.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 

The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not
.  Image credit
